A pinched nerve is caused by a vertebra in your spine that
shifts out of position. As
the bone shifts more and more eventually it begins to compress and inflame the
This process causes the body to function less efficiently and alters our
movement patterns
by not only reducing the range of motion of the joint, but facilitating muscle
Have you ever felt like you are walking crooked? Maybe
your hips do not feel straight or your neck feels “crunchy”?
You probably have an alignment issue. While you may not feel
any pain, correcting a problem like this early on will keep
your joints from wearing more quickly in the future.
Sciatica is a general term for nerve related leg pain. These particular symptoms
may range from numbness, tingling,
hot/cold sensation, cramping, restless legs, and leg weakness. Even though your
problem is felt in your legs or feet,
the real issue stems from your lower back. At this stage your problem is more
advanced but luckily chiropractic care
can still help.
Tight muscles are caused from a wide range of reasons: direct trauma, problems
with spinal alignment, pinched nerves, daily
stress, chemical stress, mental stress, intense exercise, and even inactivity.
The muscle is made up of several interlocking
fibers that can become locked. Chiropractic adjustments along with massage
therapy are instrumental in unlocking these fibers.
Loosening up your muscles will relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and increase
your range of motion. Remember, your muscles are
controlled by nerves and the problems that we think that are “just muscular” may
only be a secondary problem trying to compensate
for a bigger problem – poor spinal alignment.
We have wonderful massage therapists on staff that work effectively using
multiple types of massage techniques such as: deep tissue,
Swedish, cupping, myofascial release, trigger point release, reflexology, and
Headaches are often caused by the misalignment of the two top bones of your
spine. Other causes of headaches are disc bulges in your
neck as well as anterior head translation - or a forward posture of the neck
over your shoulders.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome consists of pain and numbness into the hand. Adjusting
the wrist to open up the “tunnel” that nerves and
blood vessels travel through often helps avoid surgery. Unknown to many is that
this problem often comes from an area other than the
wrist. The neck, elbow, and shoulder are often the cause of carpal tunnel
symptoms but are unfortunately realized after surgical intervention.
Plantar fasciitis is a condition where the tissue on the bottom of the foot
becomes incredibly tight. Some suggest it feels like “walking on glass”.
Dr. Kevin knows how to remedy this type of problem.